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Monday, July 6, 2015

Studio Technique - Facial Anatomy Class

I just had the pleasure of taking another course (this time a 3 day seminar) with Samantha Youssef at Studio Technique! I technically learnt all the facial muscles while at Sheridan, but as always, I learnt so much more while taking Sam's class!

I had a lot of fun! And I'll be looking forward to taking the next seminar that's on Animal Anatomy. I'm stoked for that!

Here are some exercises I did for the class. First is a step by step process in drawing a realistic expression, including drawing the skull, and all the muscles that are active. And finaly, we had to create a series of expressions with a character of our own design. As with all new drawing approaches, it will take some time to master and I can't help but feel that most of these are really stiff and awkward looking... But at least I had fun trying!

 And finaly here is my character. I reused my Sheep Herder man from my Weight Lift Toss assignment, which you can check out here:

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